24 June 2007

An update...

So, it's been months, I've changed the layout, the name, colours etc etc, got rid of the other blog i had... it's too hard keeping up on it to be honest. So for the time being, it will be this one only... til i think of something else to make another blog of lol

Lots and lots going on, so I'll start from the coolest stuff ;)

Our second FlickrSA photo exhibition opens on the 5th July! It's all very exciting! The first exhibition went amazingly well, we had a few hundred people through on opening night, including one of Adelaide's best known art critics who did a write up of our lil exhibition, which I'll show off in a sec.. so yeh, all ready to do it again now, we've got our meet in a couple of hrs to discuss all the details :D

Showing off part:

Work is still driving me up the wall, I've been for a few job interviews and one is looking promising, hear back from them next week if I'm required for a second interview, so fingers crossed there. Target has counter offered, asking what it would take to keep me there, so i've pushed the limits as hard as i can :D Will discuss it more when I know more :)

Life in general has been wonderful :) Adam and I are still going strong after 3yrs, playing house is great fun lol Kitty is well... Adam's taken a gorgeous photo of her that i hope he submits to flickr soon so i can show her off to everyone :D

That's about it, will be back sooner rather than later ;)


Onestar said...

Yay! You updated, finally! :)

Congrats on the write-up in the paper. That was really cool.

Good luck on the job search, m'dear!

Kel said...

hehe yeh finally! Figured I'd just start over and keep it simple and less angsty lol

thanks and thanks!