5 August 2007

Birthday fun, and other stuff

Well, i'm now another year older, apparently a bit wiser, and well.... tired ;)

I had a wonderful day on tuesday, spent the day at home doing nothing (the first time in 8 years i haven't worked a birthday), and Adam took me out for dinner at a lovely lil Italian place at Glenelg (flashy seaside suburb). On Friday we went to see Cirque Du Soleil's Varekai which had my jaw on the floor for nearly 2 hrs lol It's amazing to see what the human body can do :D

The woman who was supposed to be buying me prints from the exhibition has decided she needs to "put them on hold", due to other things that have come up... she's been umm'ing and ahh'ing over them since about half way thru the exhibit, so i'm wondering if it's just a nice way of being let down, or if she actually wants them. Suppose i'll just have to wait and see.

The cafe trial didn't happen on thursday, as 2 of his staff had called in sick, including the one who was supposed to be training me. So I went back and did it friday, and i stayed for 2.5hrs before I'd had enough. The owner's wife wasn't very nice towards me, i'm there to learn and everything but there's a difference between constructive critisism and being rude. When one of the staff turned to me and said that they couldn't wait for the day to be finished to get away from her.... well... i think that cemented my thinking ;) Plus customer's were treated like idiots, which didn't really impress me. One of the other staff were shouldering me.. literally.. out of their way, even tho i was in the middle of something. Definately not a happy workplace. So that's a no me thinks ;)

Applied for a few more jobs last night tho, so we'll see how this round goes :)

That's about it!

30 July 2007

5 Weird things about me....

Cos i'm sure you all want to know lol

I can't think of the 5 they want, but i'll give it a whirl ;)

You can blame Onestar for this, as always :D

1. When i'm online i always do things in a particular order, checking DevART first, followed by gmail, blogs, hotmail, yahoo mail and news, flickr.. and if I've got time at the end of my 5 hrs, icanhascheezburger.

2. I'm kinda wary of driving in Adelaide. Actually I lie, I HATE driving in Adelaide. I've driven across the country 3 times now, I can drive in Brisbane and Melbourne, didn't freak out when Adam drove us thru the back of Sydney... but the people here scare the crap out of me! The 5 minute trip back from the airport dropping Adam off on friday night scared the hell out of me... although saturday I wasn't too bad, maybe it's just weekday driving I hate here lol

3. Some may think it's weird, others won't, but I hate little dogs. Give me a german shepard and i'll baby it silly :D

4. .. nope i'm out of weird things i can think of at the moment, i'll come back and edit eventually ;)


In other news, tis my birthday tomorrow, I'll be 27.

Kinda funny considering when i rang up for a job this mornin the guy thought i was only 16 :D I'm not too sure whether I should be taking that as a compliment or not!

Seaking of jobs, went for an interview this mornin, going back there on thursday for a trial. Also got another guy calling me back tomorrow for another job, so i'm all go at the moment on the job front.


Taking down our prints from the exhibition tonight, I can't believe the 2 months has gone by so quickly! The woman who has bought my prints has apparently been having second thoughts about them in order to purchase more from the other photographer she bought from, so whether or not they're going to someone elses house is yet to be seen, i guess i'll find out tonight. For the moment tho, I think i'm done with exhibiting for the moment tho, it's been great fun, but i think i want to aim more for the arts market thing and comission work.

That's about it!


23 July 2007

Life After Target

So today is officially my first day unemployed... sounds weird but it's oddly quite refreshing :D

Has been a great couple of days though, on friday night i had farewell drinks at Mansions... the target local.. and although not a great deal of people turned up, the ones i wanted to see did and that's all that matters really :D I got a $70 voucher from everyone at the camera store across the road so Saturday mornin i went in and bought myself a Lowepro backpack, and it's already proved itself to be one of my smarter purchases :D

We had our flickrmeet on Saturday at Warrawong Sanctuary which was cool... got some great shots that'll be on my flickr stream soon enough. That macro lens i bought a few weeks back had an awesome workout ;)

Yesterday was just a pottering day really, went up to one of the local shopping centres to buys lots of stuff :D Ended up getting myself an exercise bike... and i did 3km's on it this mornin quite easily so i figured i might need to change the resistance on it already lol

15 July 2007

Bye Bye Bullseye!

So after 7 years, 4 months and however many days, i will finally be leaving Target on July 20th! I put in my resignation Monday after yet another week of dealing with BS there.

My manager was a child about it all, complaining that i only gave them 2 weeks notice to train someone else. I told him that they had 2 years to get someone else trained in the office (and after having me ask nearly everyweek for those 2 years you'd think they would have gotten the hint). So guilt trip aside, everyone else in the store is happy for me, they know how much crap i deal with out there, so much so the 2 people they asked on monday turned it down they've got 2 ppl interested in it after writing a note up on the staffroom noticeboard tho. So funny, they did "'blah blah' is leaving us" for the last 6 months, yet mine is only a notice of my job being advertised. Shows how childish my manager is being really. I think it's hillarious!

At the moment I don't have anything else to go to, but I've had some interest from 2 companies that i put applications in to, so we'll see how I go. I've got my payout from target coming when i go anyways so i'm not gonna be going on the dole and if i don't have something by time i go, i get a mini break :D

30 June 2007

Another one...

So another update :D

The work thing has fallen thru, basically they asked what it would take to keep me there, asking if i'd be interested in something out on the sales floor, which would've been cool except they also offered it to another person and that person took it before i'd been told it was off the table. The other department i said i'd work in was also given to another staff member well after I'd spoken about it with my manager, so I can really see how hard they were trying to keep me. Job hunting is fun! I've applied for another 7 jobs today, yay for emailing :D

A pretty pic of kitty from Adam:

It's adorable :D

Adam and I went camera goodies shopping today and I came home with the Nikkor Micro 60mm f/2.8 lens, UV filters for both the micro and my kit lens, and a wireless remote shutter. Spent a bit but well worth it! Adam got a new lens as well (18-135mm) and polariser. Yay for spending money on new toys hehe

The first exhibition finishes up on Wednesday when we swap prints over for Thursday nights opening for Refuge: Refresh. I've got 2 prints up this time and after picking them up from the framer today I really don't wanna hang them at the Wheaty, I wanna hang them up at home! Never know, I might just be doing that at the end of the month hehe

Speaking of which it's my birthday at the end of the month too... i have no idea what i'm doing for it yet, havin drinks i guess ;)

...and i'm done :)

24 June 2007

An update...

So, it's been months, I've changed the layout, the name, colours etc etc, got rid of the other blog i had... it's too hard keeping up on it to be honest. So for the time being, it will be this one only... til i think of something else to make another blog of lol

Lots and lots going on, so I'll start from the coolest stuff ;)

Our second FlickrSA photo exhibition opens on the 5th July! It's all very exciting! The first exhibition went amazingly well, we had a few hundred people through on opening night, including one of Adelaide's best known art critics who did a write up of our lil exhibition, which I'll show off in a sec.. so yeh, all ready to do it again now, we've got our meet in a couple of hrs to discuss all the details :D

Showing off part:

Work is still driving me up the wall, I've been for a few job interviews and one is looking promising, hear back from them next week if I'm required for a second interview, so fingers crossed there. Target has counter offered, asking what it would take to keep me there, so i've pushed the limits as hard as i can :D Will discuss it more when I know more :)

Life in general has been wonderful :) Adam and I are still going strong after 3yrs, playing house is great fun lol Kitty is well... Adam's taken a gorgeous photo of her that i hope he submits to flickr soon so i can show her off to everyone :D

That's about it, will be back sooner rather than later ;)

18 April 2007


Heya folks,

So for some updating:

So excited! Got my postcard from Nyssa yesterday! It's now made its home on the mantlepiece.

Miss her so much, but I'm sooooooo stoked that her and Z have hit it off as well as they have and that finally she get's someone decent in her life :D Certainly deserves it!

Shoulder's getting better slowly but surely :D

Work's still a pain in the arse, had to do the 'climate survey' yesterday so yet again i put down exxxactly what i thought about the SM again lol I swear it'll come back to bite me on the arse eventually (even tho it's confidential).

Went out and took photo's over the weekend which was veryyyy relaxing, got some wonderful shots from the Botanical Gardens, not too sure about that night's sunset shots yet, i'll have a look at them later :)

That's about it really, on a final note, here's my adorable lil kitty getting her fave thing.. a bellyrub!!

14 April 2007

Waking Up

Heya folks,

So the shoulder's feeling a bit better, still achy but that's only cos I'm back at work and using the thing lol but i've kept pretty positive this week and although it's hurt I haven't gone mental at anyone, so yay for me :D

Mr Onie brought up the whole "Friday the 13th" thing... and I know it's a wonderful day usually for me, but I'm really wondering if everyone else has a horrible day???

Photo weekend this weekend, Adam and I haven't gotten out with the camera's as much as we'd hoped to lately, so we've deceided to enjoy ourselves this weekend and relaxxxxxx.

Might be going to a local game of footy tomorrow too, which could be quite interesting, might even take the camera along to try and get some shots :D

that's it.. i'm boring today lol

10 April 2007

And now it's storytime

Heya folks :)

So Adam and I went out the other night to take photo's of Henley Beach the other night at sunset, and it was just stunning, beautiful colours swirled around each other and thru the clouds... just gorgeous.

But while we were there I did a lot of thinking, there's nothing like the ocean to calm you and help you think things through properly :D

I'm not gonna let this shoulder thing get me down again... (it's story time)

Last time it nearly drove me into the ground and it was a horrible, horrible time to know me. (I think Adam was lucky there not knowing me as well as he does now lol) All I did was sulk, whinge, cry and generally act like the world owed me bigtime. I didn't want to be around friends (although there was one mate who wouldn't take no for an answer and in the end I really thanked him for that), my parents worried too much about what I'd do to myself if they weren't around etc etc.

..and it was a shit year anyways, so the last thing I really needed was another kick in the teeth.

That year I had a big big big big opportunity to go and work in the US at a small indie record label. To this day I'm still kicking myself that the shoulder flaired up and I never got to go. That was my second attempt... thankfully the fella I was gonna be working for was a wonderful, caring friend I'd met many years ago in a chatroom, and the plan was, we'd catch up, see how things worked out for us face to face and if it was all peachy I'd be working for him as his PA. Now I know PA'ing doesn't sound like the most interesting job in the world.. but how many chances does a kid with no formal training in anything get to head into the music industry?

The first time I had to let him know I wasn't coming was when the accident that did my shoulder happened... and he was devastated.. not only for me, but cos we weren't gonna get the chance to see if we could work together.. professionally obviously ;)

But he left the door open for me... as soon as I was 'better' and could get my arse into gear I was wanted over there still... and that's one of things that drove me to get 'better' the first time around.

What no one told me is that I had a really good chance of relapsing and it flairing up on me again within the year.. apparently it happens with a lot of shoulder cases.

Head down the track 6 months and there I am, getting ready for the biggest opportunity i'm prolly gonna see in my life, gettin packed up, trying to organise a birth certificate to get my passport etc etc and it goes again. It was like getting kicked in the head by a horse.. it was the worst thing that could've happened.

Then work were being arseholes about it... saying that because time had gone by it obviously wasn't work doing the damage. I had to go thru a 4 month fight with them just to prove that it was work related. Imagine living for 4 months with no income as you're trying to prepare a trip overseas. As you'd expect, bills and travelling to all these specialists etc cost money and slowly but surely in those 4 months my US savings dwindled to near nothing.

I then had to break to it my mate for a second time that I wouldn't be coming over again... and again he was devastated. I knew this time tho I didn't have a third chance coming my way and I was right, he really needed to get someone in permanently cos he was getting sick of the temps. And ya know.. that's fair enough, I totally understand where he's comin from on that so there never were and never will be hard feelings on that front.

We still talk on the odd occassion but cos business is going so well for him, plus he's now got married and has kids, plus me moving to Adelaide to be with Adam and not being online as often, we've drifted apart more than I would've liked.. but that's what happens i guess.

So yeh, add the disappointment of that to my shoulder caving in on me and I wasn't a very happy person. Actually I was a bitch for about a year LOL It sucked too, I hated myself more and more each day for it but just couldn't snap out of it.

So yeh, that's my story for this time lol

Point being is I am not gonna go nuts like I did last time, I've gotta learn that it's gonna relapse once in a while and I just have to take my tablets if it happens. *goes and has one*

I love the beach :)

Kel xx

3 April 2007


Hiya folks,

If you're not up for a whingy/ranty type post I'd be moving along at this point, it's a 'get the crap out of my head' post.


I'm off work for the week cos of my shoulder again... I'm so over dealing with this fucking thing.. i mean ffs, I'm 26 not 80 :-| I'm back on the painkillers again, plus the gel so i can use the fucking thing for more than 2 minutes... it's all crap. I HATE the tablets, I HATE having to gel it every couple of hrs, I HATE the fact that work has put me in this fucking situation again. FFS and they wonder why i've been a real bitch around that place lately. I mean honestly, if you're gonna push me this fucking hard you're gonna know about it. Of course the hardest thing with all this is the fact that i can barely do a thing again, as we speak i'm typing one handed again, and it's taking me forever. Soooooooooo over it...

Adam hasn't seen it this bad before and I know he's stressing out about it all and I can understand why, but it's also annoying me because then i worry about him worrying when I know how to handle myself going thru this. I didn't do anything stupid the last time around, i'm not planning on doing it this time around. I almost feel like he doesn't trust me to look after it/myself. I'm also a little annoyed about the fact that he helps out now once it's been diagnosed but couldn't be arsed helping when i'd been bitching about it being really sore. But there I go being a bitch about everything again.

It's stressing me out. Really stressing me out. I'm trying hard not to let it get to me but my older friends will know how much hell I went thru with this the last time and I'm scared that it'll get that bad again.

I know deep down it won't.. but it's still a scary thought.


Speaking of work.... god i hate that place these days...

Our receiving room guy has been BS'ing his way out of working lately... and of course instead of getting someone to cover the dock so i can keep up on my own work they've had me do it. Great idea brainiacs :-| Let's get the 5'2" girl who has a fucked shoulder lifting boxes of books etc around for 5hrs of her day. *shakes head*

THEN they pull me out of the office to do other ppl's work cos they can't keep up.

THEN they bitch because I get behind in my work.

.... ummmmm duh?

So walking in there yesterday afternoon after being at the doc's and handing over a certificate to say I can't work all week was kinda enjoyable for me... my manager didn't like it tho.. he's like 'oh crap.. so when do i need to replace you for?' i felt like sayin "all week obviously" but bit my tongue lol not that it matters really i was only working 3 days this week... yay for easter long weekend. Even better, i'm not back at work til wednesday next week so i really get a full week off :D


Okies, i'm happy now, it's all off my chest :)

I'll go back into obscurity now hehe

Kel :)

20 March 2007

Yay, time to scratch myself!

Heya folks :)

So finally, things in life are slowly settling down into the norm again... which I kinda think is great, at least I don't have to worry about anything at the moment (well outside the usual stuff).

Been a busy few weeks, with moving, and work, and then having to squeeze in our social lives... i went and did my first 'all nighter' in over a year on friday night, and it was fannnnntastic fun!

One of the best mates I've made down here is leaving in less than a week to move home (which admittedly is only about 3-4hrs drive, but it's not like i can just pop up and see her lol). We've got her farewell drinks on friday night... we keep telling her that we're taking her to Crazyhorse (strip club) :D The boys in our lil group loved that idea! But we're gonna have fun, and i'm taking my lil camera (imagine me lugging around the D50 all night AND drinking??), so photo's will be posted after on here :D

Ang and her bf Chris, Angel, Adam and I are off ten pin bowling this evening.... i think i'll bring the camera for that too!

Thursday we're off to see our mates band play at the Jade Monkey... never been there before but it sounds like fun... plus Ang wants to see the band before she leaves :D

Friday is her going away thingy... so we're planning on that being an allnighter too lol

Saturday we're catching up with friends from Flickr, so hopefully a few of the ppl we haven't seen in ages will come up for it :D

Saturday night we're off to see one of my fave comedians, Adam Hills, as part of the Fringe. I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to it :D

But that's about it then... just add in work, sleep and grocery shopping somewhere and you've got my life atm LOL

Hope everyone is well!

Kel :)

27 February 2007

Moving House pt. 3

Well, we've found a place!

I'm back closer to the beach (this is the first time in 20 odd years i haven't lived less than 15 minutes from the beach), which is a relief really, i love being close to the water :)

The new place has a big back yard, 2 decent sized bedrooms, a study, good size living room and kitchen and dining room, I mean, good god, we'll be able to eat at a table instead of out of our laps ;)

Shed out the back so I can kick Adam out when he's annoying me :D

We move in just over a week, I'm so excited!!

That is all ;)

Kel xx

15 February 2007

Moving House pt2

So we've missed out on the first 2 place we've applied for... which sucks cos now we've gotta start over again. :(

Ohs well.. them's the breaks :-|

Kel xx

13 February 2007

Moving House

Heya folks :)

So moving.... I'm not the biggest fan of it really, having done it more times than I've had years in my life (family moved a lot when i was little, and i swear i've been doing the same thing, I obviously can't stay in one place too long lol)

But thanks to Adam's uncle.. well we don't really have a choice as such... more a 'you put up with what i've dealt you or leave' sorta thing. Which is a really horrible place to be in. I could put a few explicit's in there... I prolly should... but he's Adam's uncle, and badmouthing in-laws is bad lol

Gotta say though, this could've been a really crap time for Adam and I... but we're doing well so far... only a few niggles and no arguing :D *touches wood*

Got a few applications in already, got another place to look at tonight, which is a gorgeous looking place from the photo's we've seen, 2 streets from the beach, not gonna complain!

Will keep ya all up to date :)

Kel xx

26 January 2007

Getting To Know Me

One of those fun copy/paste/fill out things :D

thanks to the wonderful Mr Onie for this ;)

Beginning :
01. Start Time – 4:13pm

Basics :
02. Name – Kel
03. Astrology sign – Leo (ain't it obvious!)
04. Gender – Female
05. Eye color – Blue
06. Favorite color(s) – Royal Blue
07. Glasses – Yup
08. Location – Adelaide, Australia
09. Single or taken – Taken
10. Brothers names – Shithead :aww:

Have you ever :
11. Cut your own hair – :lol: hell no
12. Done something that you regret – Yup
13. Skipped school – Too often
14. Bungee-jumped – Nope
15. Punched someone – :giggle: Yup
16. Cheated on a test – Nope, I fail quite well :aww:
17. Been cheated on – Yup
18. Broke into someone’s house – Nope.
19. Been out of the country – Nope... this year tho!
20. Been to a funeral – Too many
21. Used a lighter – Yup, do it everyday ;)
22. Been on a stage – Too many times!

23. Season – Summer
24. Food – Pasta
25. Ice cream - Hokey Pokey (vanilla with honeycomb pieces through it :drool:)
26. Candy - Choccy!
27. Person – is this where I have to answer Adam?
28. Book – Misery - Stephen King
29. Song - Currently? Roquefort - Karnivool
30. River - Brisbane
31. Place – home!
32. Sport to watch on tv – Tennis (mens though.. for some reason the women's bores the crap out of me)
33. Disney movie(s) – Pirates Of The Carribean
34. Disney Princess – do you really see me having a fave princess? ;)
35. Name for a daughter – oh sheeesh ;p

Do you prefer :
36. Chocolate or vanilla – Choccy
37. Coffee or Cappuccino - Cappuccino
38. One night stands or long relationships – Relationship
39. Cats or dogs – Both
40. Scary movies or comedies – Both
41. Short or long hair on the preferred sex – Short, long only suits like .00000005% of the male population ;)
42. Croutons or bacon bits – Bacon Bits

First things that come to mind :
43. Chainsaws – ~nightowl
44. School – bleh
45. Cows – moo
46. Canada – ab"oo"t ;)
47. Mouse – cute!
48. Hand – sore

The past 3 days, have you :
49. Talked on the phone - Yup
50. Watched a movie – Nope
51. Cried – Nope
52. Drank a glass of water - I'm currently onto my 4th 600ml bottle today ;)
53. Read a book or magazine – Adam's Wheels mag. Oh and my Lonely Planet guide to NZ :aww:
54. Watched TV – Yup
55. Looked in the mirror – Yuh huh
56. Taken a shower – :lol: of course
57. Taken a picture – Yup, McNaught's comet the other night :aww:
58. Listened to music – Currently am.
59. Told someone you love/like them – Of course :aww: Kitty's very insecure ;)

The End :
60. What time is it - 4:24pm

12 January 2007

Oh and a little something extra...

I've outdone myself and added a second blog especially for pic's I love from ppl on flickr. Make sure you check them out, cos they're all awesome!

Look right here!

The first one... again ;)

So I'm back on blogger... second time lucky I guess ;)

I guess I'll do a proper "get to know me" post later...but for now, something pretty!